My Childhood Bag Lunches: A Chinese-American Experience
In Progress (two out of eight lunches printed)
These large lithograph portrait prints are of my childhood school lunches: my immigrant parents' traditional Chinese food hybrids with new American food that they were mixing. These are multi-color posters using lithography for the imagery and silkscreen printed text.
"Hot Dog on Crumbly Wonderbread" was printed while I was a Denbo Fellow at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Silver Spring, Maryland. The "Bone-In Wonderbread" series was also printed at Pyramid Atlantic.
From Buzz Spector, internationally-recognized artist and critic:
"My Childhood Bag Lunches" is excellent visually and conceptually. Back in my editor days with WhiteWalls I published several artists working with the intersection of cooking and memory. Your series adds to this with an eloquent interrogation of identity.”